Factores que condicionan la práctica enfermera, en el primer nivel de atención, en los CAPS de Viedma, Río Negro

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dc.contributor Revista Pilquen es_ES
dc.coverage.spatial ARG es_ES
dc.creator Levandosky, Gladys Noemí
dc.date 2018-08
dc.date.accessioned 2023-12-01T17:09:08Z
dc.date.available 2023-12-01T17:09:08Z
dc.identifier.uri http://rdi.uncoma.edu.ar/handle/uncomaid/17584
dc.description.abstract La presente investigación se refiere a los factores que condicionan la práctica enfermera en el primer nivel de atención. Considerando que enfermería en su práctica autónoma debe brindar cuidados holísticos enfocados a la salud comunitaria, se formula el siguiente problema: “¿Cuáles son los factores que condicionan la práctica enfermera en los Centros de Atención Primaria de la salud de Viedma, Río Negro, en el último trimestre del año 2016? El tipo de estudio fue descriptivo y de corte transversal, con un enfoque cualitativo, realizándose una entrevista estructurada de preguntas abiertas, a una muestra de diez enfermeros que trabajan en los CAPS de Viedma. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron teniendo en cuenta la estrategia de la atención primaria de salud, que enfatiza el trabajo comunitario. Los resultados más relevantes indican que los enfermeros realizan escasas actividades de extensión a la comunidad, teniendo como limitantes el modelo médico hegemónico; en algunos casos poca capacitación en el área y limitada comunicación con el nivel institucional. Se concluye que existe una importante necesidad de capacitación en el primer nivel e implementación de normativas por parte de las instituciones. Si esto fuera llevado a cabo enfermería podría realizar una atención comunitaria proporcionando herramientas que empoderen a la comunidad fortaleciendo su autocuidado. The present investigation refers to the factors that condition the nursing practice in the first level of attention. Considering that nursing in its autonomous practice should provide holistic care focused on community health, the following problem is formulated: "What are the factors that condition the practice of nursing in the Primary Health Care Centers of Viedma, Río Negro, in the last quarter of 2016? The type of study was descriptive and cross-sectional, with a qualitative approach, carrying out a structured interview of open questions, to a sample of ten nurses working in the Viedma CAPS. The data obtained were analyzed taking into account the strategy of primary health care, which emphasizes community work. The most relevant results indicate that the nurses carry out scarce activities of extension to the community, having as limiting the hegemonic medical model; in some cases few training in the area and limited communication with the institutional level. It is concluded that there is an important need for training in the first level and implementation of regulations by the institutions. If this were carried out nursing could carry out community care by providing tools that empower the community by strengthening their self-care. es_ES
dc.description.abstract The present investigation refers to the factors that condition the nursing practice in the first level of attention. Considering that nursing in its autonomous practice should provide holistic care focused on community health, the following problem is formulated: "What are the factors that condition the practice of nursing in the Primary Health Care Centers of Viedma, Río Negro, in the last quarter of 2016? The type of study was descriptive and cross-sectional, with a qualitative approach, carrying out a structured interview of open questions, to a sample of ten nurses working in the Viedma CAPS. The data obtained were analyzed taking into account the strategy of primary health care, which emphasizes community work. The most relevant results indicate that the nurses carry out scarce activities of extension to the community, having as limiting the hegemonic medical model; in some cases few training in the area and limited communication with the institutional level. It is concluded that there is an important need for training in the first level and implementation of regulations by the institutions. If this were carried out nursing could carry out community care by providing tools that empower the community by strengthening their self-care.
dc.format application/pdf es_ES
dc.language spa es_ES
dc.publisher Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica. es_ES
dc.rights Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Argentina es_ES
dc.rights.uri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ar/ es_ES
dc.source VI JORNADAS de Investigación y Extensión del CURZA es_ES
dc.subject Atención primaria de la salud es_ES
dc.subject Salud comunitaria es_ES
dc.subject Práctica profesional autónoma es_ES
dc.subject Primary health care
dc.subject Community health
dc.subject Autonomous professional practice
dc.subject.other Ciencias Biomédicas es_ES
dc.subject.other Ciencias Aplicadas es_ES
dc.title Factores que condicionan la práctica enfermera, en el primer nivel de atención, en los CAPS de Viedma, Río Negro es_ES
dc.type documento de conferencia es
dc.type conferenceObject eu
dc.type acceptedVersion eu
dc.description.fil Fil: Levandosky, Gladys Noemí. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica. Coordinación de Enfermería; Argentina. es_ES
dc.cole Ponencias es_ES

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