Search Statistics

Search Statistics for Tesinas

Top Search Terms

Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 Matemática 3 25,00% 0,00
2 2 16,67% 613,50
3 Cattaneo 1 8,33% 0,00
4 Discapacidad 1 8,33% 0,00
5 Elena Gonzalez 1 8,33% 0,00
6 deporte 1 8,33% 5,00
7 neurodesarrollo infantil 1 8,33% 0,00
8 original_bundle_filenames:(Matemática ) 1 8,33% 0,00
9 pantallas 1 8,33% 0,00
10 pymes 1 8,33% 9,00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
12 100,00% 0,00