Search Statistics

Search Statistics for Proyectos

Top Search Terms

Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 author_keyword:Buchter, Irene 6 7,79% 0,00
2 subject_keyword:COVID-19 6 7,79% 0,00
3 subject_keyword:Pandemia 6 7,79% 0,00
4 author_keyword:Bardelli, Noemí 5 6,49% 0,00
5 author_keyword:De Vega, Micaela 5 6,49% 0,00
6 author_keyword:Di Camillo, Lucia 5 6,49% 0,00
7 author_keyword:Fernández, Natalia 5 6,49% 0,00
8 author_keyword:Garino, Delfina 5 6,49% 0,00
9 author_keyword:Miñana, Gisela 5 6,49% 0,00
10 has_content_in_original_bundle_keyword:true 5 6,49% 0,00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
77 100,00% 0,00